Everyone is always on the lookout for a good natural hangover drink and orange juice seems to be one that many people turn to.

There’s no doubt it’s a refreshing and tasty choice that is just what your dehydrated body needs after a night out drinking.

But does orange juice actually have any impact on your hangover?

In this article, we’re going to take a look at exactly what’s in orange juice to see whether it contains anything that is beneficial for hangovers.


A supercharged antioxidant designed to support recovery, made from the very best, research-backed ingredients on the market.*


What are the causes of a hangover?

To understand whether orange juice is good for hangovers, we first need to go over how alcohol affects your body in the first place.

It’s a complicated process and scientists still debate what the exact cause of a hangover is. That being said, there are some factors they all agree on:


Alcohol is a diuretic that makes you produce more urine and lose more water. It does this by blocking the release of a hormone in your brain called vasopressin which is responsible for body water regulation via the kidneys. 


Alcohol is metabolized by your liver and this process produces toxic by-products such as acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a highly volatile substance that breaks down to form “free radicals”. Free radicals react with your cells to cause inflammation and damage.


Darker-colored drinks also contain a high concentration of “congeners” which are compounds that are naturally formed when alcohol is fermented. Congeners are responsible for the taste and aroma of alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, they've been shown in studies to make certain types of hangovers a lot worse.(1) 

Poor sleep quality

Alcohol blocks the brain from entering the REM stage of sleep. This stage is essential for waking up fully rested and explains why you don't feel 100%, even if you've slept enough hours.

Hormonal imbalance

Heavy drinking can alter the release of stress hormones like cortisol as well as change your body’s response to insulin resulting in low blood sugars.

With the science out the way, let’s take a look at what nutrients there are in orange juice.

What’s in orange juice?

250ml (approximately 1 cup) of freshly squeezed orange juice contains around:

Calories: 110
Protein: 2 grams
Carbs: 26 grams
Vitamin C: 67% of the Reference Daily Intake RD
Folate: 15% of the RD
Potassium: 10% of the RD
Magnesium: 6% of the RD

RD means the “recommended daily” intake of nutrients.

You can see that orange juice has a handful of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. It’s important to note that these values differ greatly depending on your choice of orange juice, and your body absolutely needs more vitamins while hungover aside from just Vitamin C.

Orange juice that’s in a carton from your local store may have significantly higher amounts of sugar in them with less essential nutrients so it’s important to check the label. It's also worth noting that while orange juice is a good source of vitamin C and water, bananas and tomato juice are also high in nutrients and can help replenish your body's depleted resources.


A supercharged antioxidant designed to support recovery, made from the very best, research-backed ingredients on the market.*


Is orange juice good for a hangover?

Yes, orange juice can be beneficial for a hangover due to its nutrient-rich composition. Here's why:

  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant to combat free radicals.

  • Rehydration: Contains over 85% water, helping to replenish lost fluids.

  • Minerals: Provides magnesium, which is often depleted after heavy drinking.

  • Energy Boost: Contains fructose, a natural sugar that can provide a quick energy boost.

While orange juice won't cure a hangover, it’s a healthy choice to support recovery.

Is orange juice a hangover cure?

No, orange juice is not a hangover cure. While it’s nutrient-rich and hydrating, it doesn’t reverse the effects of alcohol. The only true remedy for a hangover is time, though orange juice can be a refreshing and palatable drink during recovery.

Can orange juice make hangovers worse?

The only downside to orange juice is the fact that it’s acidic. 

Indigestion is a common hangover symptom. There are quite a few reasons why drinking too much can leave you with indigestion which include:

  • Alcohol potentially increases stomach acid production
  • Alcohol slows down gut motility and slows food transit time 
  • Eating a big meal before going to bed. 

So if you're experiencing indigestion, it may be best to avoid orange juice as it could exacerbate this. 

Anything else to consider

When it comes to hangovers, prevention is always better than cure. And drinking within your limits, keeping well hydrated, and having a meal before going out is key to preventing the worst hangovers.

Avoiding acidic foods like orange juice can help if you suffer from indigestion. Instead, consider other drinks like coconut water, which provides electrolytes and antioxidants, or a balanced meal including fruit, eggs, and oatmeal. Additionally, hot sauce contains capsaicin, an anti-inflammatory that can help alleviate pain.

In addition, sticking to lighter-colored drinks can also help because they contain fewer congeners, specifically silver tequilas. Congeners are biologically active compounds formed naturally when alcohol such as wine and whiskey are made. They are responsible for the distinctive tastes and aromas you get with these drinks. But unfortunately, they are known to exacerbate hangovers, especially whiskey hangovers

Foods like chicken noodle soup, which have high sodium and electrolyte content, can help increase your hydration and provide balanced nutrients that are necessary for your recovery.

Orange juice for hangovers - Final verdict

That brings us to the end of our look at whether orange juice is good for hangovers.

It’s a tasty, refreshing, and nutritious drink with a decent amount of vitamin C and minerals in it.

The only thing to be aware of is that the acidity of orange juice can exacerbate or trigger indigestion if your stomach is unsettled. Exploring other options like coconut water, tomato juice, and balanced meals can also help mitigate your hangover symptoms.

If you're interested in this topic, check out our article on the best tea for a hangover.
