You may have heard suggestions to help stave off hangovers, including taking vitamin B12. And if you're wondering if vitamin B12 is suitable for a hangover, you're not alone.

Whether you're an occasional drinker or you've just had too much at the bachelorette party last night, a natural hangover remedy may be all that you need to wake up feeling OK.

Hangover myths are passed down from generation to generation. And it's hard to separate the health fads from the facts.

In this article, we're going to take a close look at whether vitamin B12 has any benefit for a hangover. We'll use the data from published research papers to give you a scientifically accurate answer.

So, with the introductions out of the way, it's time to start looking at B12 for hangovers.


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There are eight different B vitamins, and B12 is found in high concentrations in various animal products. You get B12 naturally from your diet by eating red meat, fish, milk, or eggs. It's challenging to get B12 from plant sources; however, many vegan products are fortified on the market nowadays.

This essential vitamin is stored in the cells of your liver. A healthy person with normal levels of vitamin B12 should have approximately three to five years' worth of stores. It can take quite a long time for most people to become deficient in B12. (1)

Vitamin B12 is best for certain enzymes in your body to work. It is crucial to synthesizing DNA and the healthy functioning of your nervous system and red blood cells.

If you're vitamin B12 deficient, you develop a specific type of anemia known as "megaloblastic" anemia. In cases of severe deficiency, people can create problems with their nervous system.

In summary, vitamin B12's primary functions include DNA synthesis, maintaining the normal function of your nervous system, and some aspects of metabolism.

Vitamin B12 also plays a crucial role in detoxifying acetaldehyde, a toxic by-product of alcohol metabolism, by converting it into harmless carbon dioxide and water. This process can help alleviate some of the hangover symptoms caused by acetaldehyde buildup that you experience.

Does this mean that B12 is good for hangovers? We'll explore this further next.


Before we get into whether B12 is good for hangovers, we first need to go over how alcohol affects your body in the first place:


One of the leading causes of a hangover is dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it makes your kidneys flush out excess water. Every glass of wine will make you lose approximately 120mls of excess water. (2)


Another major cause of hangovers is inflammation. When your liver metabolizes alcohol, toxic by-products such as acetaldehyde are produced. During overindulgence, these toxic by-products accumulate, wreaking havoc on your insides. They react with the cells they come into contact with, causing "oxidative damage." 

Vitamin B12 helps mitigate this by converting acetaldehyde into harmless substances, which can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.


An overlooked cause of a hangover is sleep deprivation. Alcohol blocks your brain from reaching the REM stage. This is the deepest stage of sleep, where dreams occur. Without REM sleep, you won't be fully rested. 


Vitamin B12 may help with hangovers by supporting energy metabolism and reducing fatigue, but it does not directly alleviate hangover symptoms like dehydration or headaches. Drinking water and getting proper rest are more effective for recovery.

While Vitamin B12 isn’t directly involved in alcohol metabolism or breaking down alcohol in the body, it plays a vital role in energy production and nervous system support. Some believe that its ability to help detoxify acetaldehyde—a byproduct of alcohol—may indirectly ease certain symptoms, though scientific evidence on this connection is limited. (4)

If you maintain a balanced diet, your liver typically stores enough Vitamin B12 to last for years, making supplementation after a night of drinking less impactful. However, taking a B12 supplement in the morning on an empty stomach may improve absorption, though there’s no definitive clinical evidence backing this timing strategy.

Lastly, avoid caffeine for at least an hour after taking Vitamin B12, as it can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb the vitamin efficiently. Remember, hydration and rest are your best bets for hangover recovery.


A supercharged antioxidant designed to support recovery, made from the very best, research-backed ingredients on the market.*



To determine if drinking alcohol can cause vitamin B12 deficiency, it's important to distinguish between acute and chronic alcohol consumption.

When referring to acute alcohol consumption, it generally means "binge drinking." In the UK, this is defined as eight (8) units (standard drinks) for men and 6 for women. This is equivalent to around 3 to 4 glasses of wine. (1)

The term chronic alcohol consumption refers to those who drink alcohol regularly. This can apply to people with alcohol dependence issues. Chronic alcohol consumption can have a ripple effect on the body over time.


A study of 77 patients who came to the emergency room with alcohol intoxication had blood tests to check their vitamin levels. They found no decrease in B12 levels. Interestingly, 15% of the population had a thiamine deficiency called vitamin B1. (2)


Measuring the body's B12 levels can be more complicated for those who are chronic alcohol drinkers. That's because, over a long period, the vitamin B12 levels in your body can be affected by several factors, including your diet.

Regular alcohol consumption can damage the mucosal lining of the stomach and intestines, impairing a person's absorption of vitamin B12. Alcohol also depletes the body's stored vitamin B12, leading to symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and brain fog.

A different study looked closely at the effects of chronic alcohol consumption in humans and found no change. (3)

Specific B vitamins such as thiamine (B1) and Pyridoxine (B6) are well-known deficiencies in chronic alcohol consumption. (4)


Hangovers are a sign from your body that you've been drinking too much for your body to handle. Trying to "cure" a hangover by taking supplements like B12 is not the best approach.

The best way to prevent a hangover is to drink less, stay hydrated, and eat before going out.


B12 is essential for red blood cells, the nervous system, and DNA synthesis. And your liver stores enough to last for 3-5 years.

No studies have shown that it's B12 is beneficial for hangovers. In addition, B12 isn't involved in alcohol metabolism and doesn't have antioxidant properties.

However, maintaining adequate B12 levels is crucial for your overall health, including your mood — vitamin B12 helps reduce anxiety and depression, which may indirectly improve how you feel during a hangover.

Unfortunately, you'll probably be disappointed if you expect to wake up from a night out with no hangover after taking B12.
